I went to go visit an old friend from Lowe yesterday, Marty.
I turned up at his place (pictured left)
I turned up at his place (pictured left)
and we joked and talked of memories past and then decided hey, wouldn’t it be great to hold a coffee morning in a park and not in a coffee shop. When you think about it, it is totally new and exciting and involves coffee and not working.
Dumbfounded by our insightful brilliance we decided to walk around the park/Marty’s garden so that we could stay on top of every day observations.
Dumbfounded by our insightful brilliance we decided to walk around the park/Marty’s garden so that we could stay on top of every day observations.
I took this of Marty with his Polaroid looking into his/the tennis courts, jeez, he is such a thinker

Marty left me on my knees looking for a four leaf clover as I’m currently writing an article on fact or fiction. All of a sudden Marty ran up to me, thrust his Polaroid in my hand and then rammed this picture he took in my pocket. He then darted off quickly followed by two men in uniform. Marty is always attracting attention and people wanting to talk to him. I guess that is why the kids in his photo look so happy.
What do you think?
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